Explore Our Services

Primary Distribution Design and Studies
Weiser Engineering provides consulting, and engineering design services for:
Industrial Grade Primary Distribution Systems
Industrial Grade Substations Systems
Unit-Substation Systems
Medium Voltage Motor Controls
Power Factor Correction
Advanced Relay for bus, line, or motor protection.
Softwares Utilized:
Revit BIM Modeling
Navisworks Manage
SKM Power Suites
AcSELerator Quickset
SEL SynchroWAVeEvent
Distribution Design and Studies
Weiser Engineering's experience in infrastructure or facility secondary distribution systems design allows engineers to identify arc flash hazardous and power quality impacts to the distribution systems. Our engineers work closely with Owners to ensure safety, and uptime of their system is maximized.
We provide Secondary Distribution System Design and Specification for:
Low Voltage Switchgear Distribution
Low Voltage Switchboard Distribution
Motor Control
Power Factor Correction
Power Quality Correction
Advanced Metering
Softwares Utilized:
Revit BIM Modeling
Navisworks Manage
SKM Power Suites

Power Quality Studies
Weiser Engineering uses electrical power quality assessments to understand the underlying health of electrical distribution systems to ensure maximum uptime is achieved. Metering distribution systems is an economical way to identify:
Harmonics Harmonics
Voltage Dips
Voltage Swells
Motor Inrush
Grounding Discrepancies
Thermographic Surveys
Meters Utilized:
Fluke 435-II Power Quality Meters
Fluke 1750 Data Loggers
Power System Modeling
Weiser Engineering models electrical power systems via SKM Power Suites software to perform:
Short Circuit Analysis
Equipment Evaluations
Protective Device Coordination
Arc Flash Hazardous Studies
Load Flow Studies
Transient Motor Starting Studies
Unbalanced Systems Studies

Ground Mat Design
Weiser Engineering performs ground mat Studies via SKM Power Suites software. Ground mat systems are modeled to verify existing ground mat conditions and to provide proper design per IEEE Std 80 requirements are met.
Models include:
· Touch Potential Hazardous Studies
· Step Potential Hazardous Studies
· Ground Potential Hazardous Studies

Lighting Systems Design
Weiser Engineering models electrical lighting systems via Visual Professional software to calculate the photometrics of:
Interior Lighting Systems Design
Exterior Lighting Systems Design
Life Safety Lighting Systems Design
Construction Support Services
Weiser Engineering provides multiple levels of construction support services for projects ranging from bid assistance, and shop drawing review to:
Electrical Utility Coordination
Project Management
Electrical Equipment Procurement
Electrical Inspections
Assist with Switching Procedures, and Method of Procedures
Protection Relay Programming, Testing, and Commissioning
Electrical Equipment Startup and Commissioning

BIM Modeling
Weiser Engineering performs Building Information Modeling via Revit software in order to ensure electrical systems coordinate with other trades do not clash. Clash Detection is performed with Navisworks Manage software.

Do you have an electrical Engineering project on your hands? Let’s see how we can help.
We work with industry leaders in design, construction assistance and more. Contact us about your project.